Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Watching Videos

PSP supports video playback for files in .mp4 format.

Connect PSP to PC using a compatible USB cable. On the PSP's XMB (the fancy menu on screen) goto Settings > USB Connection (x) to switch on USB mode.

Create a folder named VIDEO (if it doesn't already exist) in the root of your PSP's Memory card.

Copy your .mp4 video files to this VIDEO folder

Freeware to convert different video formats to .mp4 files for PSP: Format Factory

Press Back (o) on the PSP to disconnect from USB mode.

On the XMB; goto Video > Memory Stick (x) to list your videos.
Scroll through the list to select the video you want to watch and press (x) to play the video on the PSP's wonderful screen.

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